
Every year, PSU and PSUFA have a joint orientation session intended to introduce new faculty to the school. This event is geared towards adjuncts who are newer to the PSU academic community, however all adjunct instructors and researchers are welcome to attend. 

PSU’s President Steven Percy and Vice Provost of Academic Personnel Shelly Chabon will be in attendance, as well as other presenters from PSU administration. PSUFA Executive Council members will share the benefits and support your union provides and discuss ways you can connect to other faculty at union events.

This is an opportunity to learn about systems and supports that are in place for fall term and be introduced to many of the resources that are available to you from the union and from the university as an adjunct at PSU, as well as a chance for you to ask questions directly to PSU administrators. 

We will also be available for your questions about where to access the services, equipment and support you need to ensure a successful experience working at Portland State.

Please RSVP to attend: https://forms.gle/xJ55MCJWWS4LyFVy8

Join the Orientation Event:

Zoom link: https://pdx.zoom.us/j/82940889433

Call-In: 971-247-1195

Meeting ID: 829 4088 9433

Password: 312073