Part-time instructors at PSU are often not provided the instructional support they need to be able to succeed. Below is a list of resources that are intended to fill the institutional knowledge gaps that adjuncts often must navigate at PSU:


Explaining “Adjunct” to Students

Students at PSU are often completely unaware that their instructor is adjunct faculty, and even when they are aware they may not understand what this means in practice. If you are trying to find ways to explain to your students what it means to be an adjunct and what that means for them, it might be helpful to show them this handy video explainer:

What is an Adjunct? – Gig Work in the Classroom

D.o.E.-Mandated Attendance Tracking Requirement (NEW for Fall 2023)

After months of discussion, PSU has issued some last-minute guidance in advance of the Fall 2023 term on how to comply with the attendance tracking mandate issued by the Department of Education. In order to ensure that students receive their financial aid, moving forward all PSU instructors must track attendance of each student individually in their course and note whether they have initiated attendance within the first two weeks of the term.

For complete details on what “initiated attendance” means, and how to do this to ensure students don’t lose their financial aid, please review the documentation on the PSU website here:

Questions about this process can be directed to the Office of the Registrar at or by phone at 503-725-3220.