Hello Fellow PSUFA members!

I’m happy to report we have started bargaining for our economic reopener. It was a short session where we mostly introduced the different team members who will be negotiating on behalf of our membership and on behalf of PSU. As is typical, we started by reviewing negotiating guidelines. However, our teams brought different documents with different organization and framework. We brought the document we’ve used in the past, using the same procedures we’ve used every year. They brought a “different option”—a new document and protocol, and did not follow our agreed upon procedures from the past. We’re off to a slow start, but we’ll be working on aligning our versions to come to agreement about the minimums we need in place to bargain well for our team.  

Shout out to Meg Panichelli, Alan Brickley, Shannon Kidd, Bob Hanks, Valah V. Steffen-Wittwer, Dustin Bessette, Anna Gray, Amy Duncan, Cassandra, Miche Dreiling, Anna Weichsel, Carl Christiansen, Natalia Rios, Alejandro Segura, Andre Pruitt, John Shuford, Ben T, Katie Van Heest, and Jacob RIchman for coming to observe. We know it’s hard to carve time out of your busy schedules to come help us fight for our rights, but it truly makes a difference. Knowing you have our backs helps us be fearless and empowered when asking for what we deserve. Without you, NOTHING! 

Our next bargaining session is tentatively scheduled for April 7th.

Join us as observers to help make sure we are in a strong position to negotiate for better pay and working conditions.

In solidarity, 

Myrna Muñoz

PSUFA Bargaining Team