Cross-Union Solidarity Statement in support of free Academic & Political Speech on campus
PSU’s labor unions PSUFA, GEU,and SEIU have co-authored a joint statement reinforcing our shared commitment to freedom of political and academic speech on campus in our monthly Together4PSU meeting.
The language, principles and demands in this shared statement are modeled on the defense of academic freedom recently articulated by our colleagues at AAUP national. Your PSU campus unions have a crucial role to play in asserting and defending your rights to express opposition to all forms of violence and bigotry and to articulate solidarity with all people subject to violence and discrimination, without fear of reprisal.
Cross-Campus Union Solidarity Statement
Recently, students and faculty at Portland State University have reported attempts by other faculty members and students to censor views on the current conflict in the Middle East that advocate for justice in Palestine, and/or frame the conflict as part of an ongoing colonial occupation. These instances of harassment, slander, intimidation and silencing at Portland State University, though from a minority, are of great concern to our campus unions due to the threats they present to job security and their chilling of speech and a range of views on these subjects.
The SEIU, GEU and PSUFA unions at Portland State University reaffirm the rights of all students, faculty and staff to express their viewpoints free of harassment, slander, intimidation, and threats to their livelihoods and safety. We are also committed to the equal rights of Palestinians and Israelis to live in dignity and safety, and oppose any discrimination based on identity or political views, including anti-Arab or anti-Muslim racism, and antisemitism.
To protect faculty, staff, and students from violence, intimidation, and censorship as they express their views on campus and for the broader public, the campus unions of PSU call on university administrations to:
Commit to fully protecting the academic freedom of their faculties to teach, conduct research, and speak out about important issues both on and off campus, as called for in Academic Freedom in Times of War.
Protect the freedom of students to express their positions on such issues on and off campus. Students should be free to organize and join associations to promote their common interests, and students and student organizations should be free to examine and discuss all questions of interest to them and to express opinions publicly and privately, in the words of the AAUP’s Joint Statement on Rights and Freedoms of Students.
Safeguard the independence of colleges and universities by refusing to comply with demands from politicians, trustees, donors, faculty members, students and their families, alumni, or other parties that would interfere with academic freedom.
We remind our university’s leadership that their duty is to protect the academic freedom, free speech, and associational rights of faculty, staff, and students to speak on all topics of public or political interest without fear of intimidation, retaliation, or punishment.
GEU Executive Council
PSUFA Executive Council
SEIU Executive Council