We hardly believe it, but we did it—bargaining is formally done! You can read a recap of our last session here, and browse ALL of our bargaining recaps here. We will soon need your voice to ratify this contract to make it real. The ratification vote will take place at our Winter Term General Member Meeting on March 5, from 5 to 7. We will also be holding special office hours for you to talk directly to the bargaining team and ask any questions about the new contract. Those dates are Tuesday, February 23 from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. and Wednesday, February 24 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. See you then!

Even though this has become a very unstable economic climate to negotiate for the financial gains we truly deserve, we still made some meaningful strides forward. 

We will be sending a more detailed summary of the outcomes of our negotiations soon. For now, here is a short rundown of our gains, which we’ll follow with a recap of our final bargaining session on Friday, February 5:

  • $30 raises to those at the minimum next fall. (Almost all adjuncts are paid at or near the minimum rate.) $25 raises to the minimum Fall 2022.

  • 1% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for all adjuncts no matter their pay rate in Fall 2021 and again in Fall 2022. (This will be on top of the $30 and $25 for those at the minimum.) This is the same COLA rate the full-time union received. 

  • A $200 one-time bonus for all adjuncts working at any point during the 2020-21 Academic Year.

  • A new Tech Fund to help adjuncts purchase the computers and other necessary technology for our work. (This will be limited, but it is still an important change.)

  • Increased access to the Staff Fee Privilege, which provides discounts to adjuncts taking classes at PSU. (The PSUFA Education Fund is still available too as a benefit, this just extends our overall ability to offer assistance to adjuncts who take classes.)

  • Strengthened assignment rights and simplified the professional evaluation process.

  • A commitment to begin including adjuncts in department meetings and other department level functions.

  • A commitment to annual PSU-wide orientation events for adjuncts.

  • A commitment to greater inclusion of adjunct researchers in decisions that affect their working conditions.

  • Inclusion of adjuncts into annual Portland State Milestone ceremonies recognizing employees for their length of service at PSU.

Thank you to everyone who has attended as an observer, filled out bargaining surveys, and signed letters of support to the President and the Board of Trustees!